


Bakou invited to attend the Huaning Chengyanghui Strategic Brand Summit

On April 28, 2024, Mr. Zheng Jianhao, founder of Hangzhou Bakou Design, was invited to attend the Shijiazhuang Urban Summit, Huaning Urban Central Hui Strategic Brand Summit. He gathered with nearly 20 outstanding brands to discuss the global perspective of "Urban Central Hui" and participate in a forward-looking dialogue on "Future Concepts of Urban Design". ...



Multidimensional innovation environment, the future is promising!

On May 21, 2024, Mr. Zheng Jianhao, founder of Hangzhou Bakou Design, was invited to attend the 2024 Graduation Design Exhibition of the School of Art and Archaeology, City College, Zhejiang University. The exhibition, themed "Multidimensional New Environment," comprehensively showcased the teaching level of the college's design major, showcased the creative style and innovative ability of the graduates. As students about to step out of school and embark on a wonderful chapter in their lives, let's glimpse the development trends and directions of the future design industry. Let's experience the unique perspective and potential of the new generation of "designers" together. ...



Sharing and investigation in the first quarter of 2024

The first quarter of 2024 special sharing meeting for Bakou Design was held on April 13, 2024, focusing on three sections: "Sustainable Research on Rural Landscape", "Summary of Design for Construction Projects in Liannan Yao Autonomous County, Guangdong", and "Review of Design Process for Changsha Binjiang Bay Project". After the meeting, the team led a visit and inspection of three real estate, commercial, and park projects: Hangzhou Greentown · Jinhaitang, China Resources Land · Wanxiang City, and Yunhe Asian Games Park, learning from peers. And on April 14, 2024, I went to Suzhou to gather with over 60000 garden enthusiasts at the 2024 Garden Conference X International Garden Design Week. ...
